Sunday, October 28, 2007

What I've Gained

by John Russel Alba

I've learned... it ain't easy... it requires patience... a lot of it...
We've been to the worst... I've learned to survive... wounded and all... Yes wounded and all...
I've learned to eat like a cockroach... at times... and like a monitor lizard... most of the times...
I've learned that doing my best isn't always enough... and I've lerned to push my capacity... above it's maximum...
I've learned to hold my tears back... back to where they came from...
I've learned that rest doesn't necessarily mean to stop...
That water breaks destructs momentum...
That friends turns out to be my greatest enemies... and enemies... strongest allies...
That monster come in the form of smiling faces...
Tons of lessons I've learned... remembered... and some forcibly erased so that my own perspective will remain...
Sh_t! it's done... at last... after TDR (where all my hopes expired) I never thought this would end... the disaster/glory we achieved... it's ours... forever...
What I've gained?
An experience... not juz' any lesson... that great things... don't come easy... otherwise... it's not worth its greatness.

1 comment:

Memoirs of PCA said...

im happy for rus that he learned good things in our play.